Looking back

This was the first game I was really set free to make on my own. And boy are there problems. I tried to make a game about a guy escaping a prison where he has gained the power to jump between dimensions. And let me be the first to say, I way over extended myself. I had so many ideas that in the 7ish weeks it took to make this, no one could beat it. My failure comes in the fact I never play tested it because I was too busy trying to add more and more. But the positives, I finally learned how to properly use booleans and made a scene switcher that keeps the players position, along with a way to shoot the direction you are moving. But outside of that the biggest thing I learned what to play test often. I often thought about going back and fixing this game, but I decided its a good thing to keep for me to go look back on, and remind myself of how far Ive come. 


jumperpc 2.zip 12 MB
Oct 25, 2017
jumper3mac.zip 16 MB
Nov 08, 2017
jumper3pc.zip 12 MB
Nov 08, 2017
Jumper.zip 13 MB
Nov 20, 2017
JumperFinal.app.zip 17 MB
Nov 20, 2017

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